The Mobile first index has been a before and after for many web pages that have lost their online visibility because they are not adapted to mobile devices.
To explain it clearly:
If your website is not adopted to Mobile-Friendly design then your website will NOT rank in Google.
If you want to know what mobile first index is and what kind of practices to carry out on your website to optimise your content for mobile and improve your overall SEO positioning on search engine then continue reading.
What is Mobile first index
Mobile first index or Mobile first indexing or Mobile indexing first.
Call it whatever you want, the fact is that now Google indexes and positions the mobile versions of your website content through the tracking carried out by its agent for smartphones.
This means that Google uses the mobile version of the Website content for indexing and ranking.
This has been the case since September 2020, although they had been announcing it since March so that we would be prepared.
Background and importance of mobile friendly design
How to rank a website with a mobile first index
Mobile first index key principles to follow
Mobile First Index Practices recommended by Google
There are a series of practices recommended by Google to adapt to the Mobile first index that you should know:
Access and processing of the Google robot
This is essential. In order for the Google robot to access your content and process it correctly, you must:
Use the same meta tags for desktop and mobile in order to be crawled and indexed correctly. Be very careful with the «noindex» or «nofollow».
NO to lazy content loading
The Googlebot does not load content that requires user action to display.
Same content as in the desktop version
This is a very common mistake, but the truth is that Google itself emphasizes the importance of displaying the same content in the desktop version as in the mobile version.
If you show less content in your mobile version, Google will not be able to access the full desktop content because of the mobile first index (it is the mobile content that counts).
Keep in mind that it is important even at the heading or layout level since Google may understand content differently.
Pay attention to structured data
They must be the same, both in the desktop and mobile versions. For possible errors it is advisable to check the data merchant panel.
Pay attention to the formats of your ads
If you are going to introduce ads on the mobile version of your page make sure you choose the correct formats because many are not compatible with the mobile experience.
Recommendations for images
- Use high-quality images that do not look too small on mobile or even blurry due to low resolution.
- Use a suitable format and if it can be of the latest generation, such as webp which could be better.
- Use the same alternative text (alt) in the images for both versions (desktop and mobile).
Recommendations for videos
- Don't use dynamic URLs to upload your videos.
- Use a suitable format with the < video >, < embed > or> object > tag.
- Use the same structured data for videos on desktop and mobile versions.
- Place your video in a section of the page where mobile users don't have to scroll too far down.
Other mobile friendly recommendations
They are pure logic, so don't be overwhelmed.
The most important things to consider without going into technicalities or the work of the developer, are these:
Mobile content
Look, optimising content for mobile means eliminating unnecessary resources that perhaps on desktop did make more sense.
Think about what AMP does and how it displays information when implemented without additional ad plugins, shortcodes, and other issues.
Reduce loading speed and improve pagespeed
Also worry about optimizing loading times, sizes, browsing experience and think about everything that is not visible on mobile.
For example: the sidebar and widgets, menus, etc.
Check your current pagespeed in Google's own pagespeed tool or the loading speed in tools like GTMetrix.
Also, we can elevate our website's performance with Core Web Vitals. Which results in Speed, Interactivity, Visual Stability and Optimize user experience today.
Optimise sizes
Pay attention to the size of the font and buttons.
This usually generates alerts in Search Console, so there is a button giving problems, you will receive an email with the warning.
Watch out for forms
Check that the fields of the form and the button are displayed correctly on mobile and on any screen size.
By the time the user has to enlarge or reduce the screen with their fingers, you will be losing leads.
This may seem silly, but no.
The lines have a separation that facilitates the reading, see that there is a correct separation between paragraphs or the buttons are not glued to the text or images implies an improvement in the UX of the page.
And yes, you must also take it into account for SEO because chaotic visibility of the content leads to abandonment and that increases your bounce rate. It would be a shame if you had the best information in the world but poorly presented on a visual level.
The blank spaces are necessary to let the text breathe, but don't go overboard and check how they look on mobile before publishing.
Remove CSS or Javascript blocks
The Google robot is perfectly prepared to access and render these types of resources, so don't block them because they are essential to determine if your website is responsive.
To review all the implementations, I recommend using an emulator so that you can see how your page looks on any screen size.
Pop ups
Google has already ruled on pop ups numerous times. Yes, you can have them, but if we are thinking about mobile, perhaps it is not the most appropriate.
At least, if you keep it, make sure it looks good without changing screen sizes and that it can be easily closed from mobile.
In any case, if you have an online business and all this is too big for you, it is best to contact an expert SEO positioning agency that will be in charge of redesigning your website, making it responsive and visible to the Google smartphone user-agent. My agency ALLTOP9 is an option, of course.
This is all about the Mobile first index. Now it's your turn: has your page already passed the mobile first index test? What problems have you had along the way? If you are not able to solve any of the issues comment below and we will help you with the solutions.